Providing services to individuals and businesses
by understanding their cultural needs in order to help the transition to progress in America
Business was formed as a partnership of two people in February 14, 1992 and converted into a S Corporation on 03-12-2009. My partner Rafael Ventura Perez operated a clothing store in the corner of 1100 Broad St and Early St. The store name was a landmark for people driving by. They used to say "Right after Perez Fashions is Roger Williams Park entrance". The Perez were well know in the community. Mr. Ventura Perez was tired of traveling to NY to get the fashion products. He invited me to participate in a new business venture of providing services instead of retail. We named it "PEREZ & ASSOCIATES".
We began by offering community services to the local community in the area of computer training school, English as a second language and bookkeeping services. Then we incorporated the income tax preparation and Immigration services. – Coming from a Latino background we were at that right time at the right place. Language barrier was a difficulty and employment was scarce for non English speaking people. – We grew along the time from occupying a 400 sq ft. area to a 2400 sq ft. area with a new building acquisition in 2010 located at 903 Broad St. Providence. In 2011 the business was renamed "Diaz Tax & Bookkeeping Services DBA Perez & Associates. People still refer to us a "Perez & Associates".
Today we provide bookkeeping and payroll services to small business owners in the southside area of Broad Street, Providence and Immigration Services to individuals. We have a steady portfolio of income tax preparation, bookkeeping and immigration clients that grows every year. The majority of clients are of Latino origin; 10% are anglo descendants and 10% are asian descendants.
Accounts, receipts, and complete monthly financial reports.
Tax Preparation
Make sure to take advantage of all the tax deductions and expenses.
Immigration Services
We are a full service immigration solutions provider.